New Repairs Forum

Working alongside members of our Homes Team, the forum has been set up to allow customers to directly share their thoughts, opinions and ideas on our repairs and maintenance service so we can make it the best it can be.
It also gives you the opportunity to learn how and why we do things in certain ways and have a say on proposals, offer feedback and ideas for improvement to the most important service we provide to our customers.
The forum meets around 4-5 times per year, each lasting around an hour. Meetings are currently held online due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
In return for your time, you will receive a £5 Love2Shop voucher for each meeting you attend. In addition, being a member of the forum offers a great opportunity to build skills for your CV. Customers who engage with us on a regular basis for 12 months, we will look at funding for you to study a professional qualification.
If you are interested in learning more and joining, please contact Customer Engagement Officer, Debbie Jameson at Debbie.Jameson@haltonhousing.org.
You will need to be a current customer/tenant of Halton Housing to join. Please note individual repairs issues are not discussed at meetings.