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Our People

Meet the Executive Team

The Executive team is led by Sam Scott, supported by a Deputy Group Chief Executive and a Chief Operating and Transformation Officer.

Sam Scott

Group Chief Executive

Sam joined Halton Housing in October 2022 and provides overall leadership of the organisation. 

Neil McGrath

Deputy Group Chief Executive & Chief Financial Officer

Neil leads the business services functions, growth, finance as well as our commercial arm, Open Door.

Debbie Trust-Dickinson

Chief Operating & Transformation Officer

Debbie leads the business functions for Customer, Homes, IT, digital, Brand and Transformation, and is responsible for compliance with consumer standards.

Meet the Leadership Team

The Leadership Team comprises six directors:

Jon Blackwell

Director of Homes

Jon heads up the homes and property services directorate, ensuring customers are safe and their homes are fit for the future.

Paul Croston

Director of Technology, Digital and Data

Paul keeps us at the forefront of digital and innovation, leading on the delivery of a refreshed IT strategy focussing on ensuring core systems are fit for the future, optimising the digital experience for customers and colleagues, managing data as a strategic asset and enabling intelligence-led decision making and a pre-emptive service model.

Paul Mullane

Director of Development & Sales

Paul looks after the development of new homes, delivering our ambitious plan to build and acquire 1,000 new homes covering a whole market housing offer.

Natalie O'Hara

Director of People

Natalie is Director or People and leads on HR and Organisational Development; developing leaders, organisational culture, and recruiting and retaining people with the right skills to deliver our services.

Sue Smith

Director of Finance & Assurance

Sue leads on finance, performance, governance and assurance, keeping Halton Housing running financially on track.

Lisa Windle

Director of Customer Experience

Lisa leads on ensuring that our customers receive the best possible experience throughout their tenancy journey with us. 

Our Board


The Halton Housing Board is ultimately responsible for delivering our vision of improving people’s lives. They work together as a team to make decisions on a wide range of issues that contribute to the delivery of this vision.