Staying safe and happy this Bonfire Night

As much as Bonfire Night can be great fun, we cannot ignore the scary reality of the safety hazards surrounding it.
We’ve pulled together some handy tips on how to stay safe this Bonfire Night.
Tips for using sparklers
Light sparklers one at a time.
Supervise children with sparklers and never give them to children under five.
Make sure everyone handling sparklers wears gloves.
Hold sparklers at arm’s length while being lit.
Don’t wave sparklers about close to other people.
Never hold a baby in your arms while you are holding a sparkler.
When you have finished with the sparkler put it in a bucket of cold water.
Tips for bonfires
Discuss it with your neighbours beforehand.
Don’t build a bonfire too far in advance of the day as it can encourage anti-social behaviour.
Build away from sheds, fences and trees.
Check there are no cables (for example telephone wires) above the bonfire.
Ensure there is a suitable barrier around the bonfire to keep spectators at least five metres away.
Always check that no children or animals are hiding in the bonfire before lighting.
Don’t burn aerosols, batteries, tyres, canisters or anything containing foam or paint - many produce toxic fumes and some containers may explode, causing injury.
Don’t use petrol, paraffin, diesel, white spirit or methylated spirit to light the bonfire.
Keep some buckets of water nearby in case of an emergency and to damp down after the event.
Tips for fireworks
Only buy fireworks that are CE marked.
Don’t drink alcohol if setting off fireworks.
Keep fireworks in a closed box.
Follow the instructions on each firework.
Light them at arm's length, using a taper.
Stand well back.
Never go near a firework that has been lit. Even if it hasn’t gone off it could still explode.
Never put fireworks in your pocket or throw them.
Always supervise children around fireworks.
Keep pets indoors.
Don’t set off noisy fireworks late at night and never after 11pm.
In preparation, Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service are asking anyone to report any unsafe build-up of rubbish that could potentially be for a bonfire in Halton on 0303 333 4300.
To see more guidance from Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, visit https://www.cheshirefire.gov.uk/home/bonfire-night-list-of-bonfires-in-cheshire.
For further information visit:
On behalf of everyone at Halton Housing, we would like to wish all of our customers, colleagues, partners and stakeholders a happy Bonfire Night!