Reporting rent changes on your Universal Credit journal

If you receive Universal Credit, remember to update your online journal with your new rent for 2024 – 2025.
If not, you will lose out on benefit you are entitled to!
So that you don’t lose out on benefit you are entitled to, you’ll need to update your online journal with the new amount.
The earliest you can update your journal with your new rent amount is the date that the new payment amount takes effect. It cannot be done in advance of the change date.
You must however, report this change within your monthly assessment period from the date the new payment takes effect otherwise you will lose out on any benefit your are entitled to.
You will receive an action called a “To-Do” in your Universal Credit account. The To-do will be titled “Update your Housing costs”.
Universal Credit payments can only be backdated by one month if you have a good reason so make sure you keep your journal up to date. The longer you leave updating the change in your journal, the less you’ll receive and the more arrears you may accrue.
To update Universal Credit with your new rent charge, login to your journal and report the change of circumstances or telephone Universal Credit on 0800 328 5644.
Need a hand?
If you need a hand making changes to your journal, get in touch with our Welfare Benefit and Money Advice Team on 0151 510 5024 or our Debt Recovery Team on 0151 510 5204.