Where you live needs you – 'Love where you live' campaign launched!

As we are move into summer, enjoying those longer daylight hours, we would like to safely bring people together through community areas they can enjoy and be proud of.
‘Love where you live’ is an exciting project to improve areas that may be otherwise unused, prone to fly tipping, empty corners, patches of grass, or areas which could just do with a bit of colour or tender loving care. By doing this we will not only be making areas more welcoming but also be taking a step towards more eco-friendly environments.
The project aims to put you in the driving seat to improve your local environment and get to know your community.
We are keen to explore nature-based-solutions and ideas to help us play our part in efforts towards a more sustainable and green future.
We want YOUR ideas of what you would like to see put in place to do this.
You can apply for your area to be a part of this new project by completing this short form and filling in a few quick questions.
The closing date for applicants is Friday 30th July 2021.
After decisions have been finalised and areas have been spruced up, the spaces will rely on communities to maintain them.
We look forward to hearing all of your suggestions!