We have retained our G1/V2 status

The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) yesterday published its annual regulatory judgement following an In-Depth Assessment (IDA) in July, confirming that we have retained our G1/V2 status.
Sam Scott, Halton Housing’s Group Chief Executive said "To retain our G1/V2 rating through the recent IDA is a really positive outcome for Halton Housing and reflects the hard work across the organisation to ensure that we are delivering great services for our customers and meeting the standards set by the Regulator of Social Housing. Our viability rating, like many across the sector, is reflective of the challenging environment we are operating in and our strategic priority to continue to invest in our homes and services.”
Clive Deadman, Group Chair added "This outcome is really pleasing. The In-Depth Assessment was a robust and thorough process. I am delighted with the outcome which recognises that Halton Housing is a stable, well-run organisation, capable of achieving its strategic priorities for growth and continued investment to improve our existing homes and services.
The full assessment detail can be found on the RSH website here.