Summer activity events attracts over 750 children

Over 750 local children have benefited from a summer holiday activity programme part-funded by Halton Housing.
Created and run by local police officers and PCSOs from Cheshire Police, Active Halton Leisure and support from local partners like Halton Housing, Kops ‘n’ Kids was a five-week summer holiday scheme for 8-16 year olds.
The Kops ‘n’ Kids ('KOPS' stands for Keep on Playing Sport) programme was launched in 2019.
The programme is designed to give children from the local areas a chance to play sports such as football, badminton, meet other kids and make connections with local police officers and organisations.
This summer, Halton Housing provided £1,000 with the funding being used to purchase sports equipment and uniforms.
Organiser of and Cheshire Police PC Dan Butler said: “We are incredibly grateful for the funding from Halton Housing. It allowed us to buy more equipment allowing us to accommodate more children than ever. It’s been brilliant to see local children staying active, healthy and have fun during the summer holidays. It also strengthens relationships and builds trust between young people and the police.”