Rent Explained 2021-22

From April 2021, customers’ rent will increase by 1.5% (1.6% for shared ownership) – in accordance with government rent setting policies.
Our mission is improving people’s lives, and this means more than providing the bricks and mortar of our homes.
Any surpluses that we make are re-invested into Halton Housing to continue to improve the services we provide for customers, the homes that they live in, and the places where they live. We aim to provide good ‘value for money’ for the rent that customers pay.
We have put together a leaflet explaining the increase, and some detail about how we provide value for money and how we are here to support customers who are facing financial difficulties.
View ‘Your Rent 2021-2022 Explained’ Leaflet
What happens next?
In February 2021 all customers will receive a letter informing them exactly what their rent will be, along with any increase in service charge if they pay it.
Here to support you
Our specialist teams are here to support you and agree affordable repayment plans and provide specialist advice on claiming benefits, maximising income, managing debt and money advice. Get in touch with our Welfare Benefit/Money Advice Team on 0151 510 5024 or Debt Recovery Team on 0151 510 5204.
Receiving Universal Credit?
Remember to update your online journal with your new rent for 2021 – 2022. If not, you will lose out on benefit you are entitled to!
The earliest this can be done is from 5th April 2021.
For more information take a look at our reporting rent changes on your Universal Credit journal website page.
Have your say
We appreciate some customers may have lots of questions about their rent. We want to be open and transparent and answer any questions or concerns that they have.