Property Pool Plus process changes from 1st April 2023

If you are looking to make an application or have a current active application in Property Pool Plus (PPP), please be aware of the following changes being made from April.
From 1 April, when making a new application or changes to your current active application, you will be required to provide the relevant 'right to rent' proofs based on the information you have provided.
You must ensure that the information on your application is accurate - incorrect information may result in delays in processing your application or withdrawal of a future offer.
Please ensure full landlord contact details are provided when completing your 5-year address history, failure to do so may result in delays with your application.
A list of proofs required is available on the PPP website under ‘proofs you will need’.
Applications will only be activated once ALL proofs are received.
Please allow 15 working days (3 working weeks) for your application to be processed.
Once your application has been activated you will be sent written confirmation via email or post.
A further verification check of your application will take place if you receive a provisional offer of accommodation following your bid.
You can send photo evidence of your proofs to housingoptionsteam@haltonhousing.co.uk or alternatively hand them to a member of the PPP team at Halton Housing reception.
Our address is Halton Housing, Waterfront Point, Warrington Road, Widnes WA8 0TD, and our reception is open Monday – Friday between 9am - 5pm.
For further information about applying to live in a Halton Housing home visit www.haltonhousing.co.uk/find-a-home/rent-a-home.
To find out more about the changes, or if you need help and support visit www.propertypoolplus.org.uk/ or contact our Neighbourhood Allocations Team on 0151 510 5222 or email housingoptionsteam@haltonhousing.co.uk.
If you are not a member of the EU please ensure you have the right to rent in the UK please click the following link for more information/apply: https://www.gov.uk/settled-status-eu-citizens-families/applying-for-settled-status