It's a wrap for our Christmas hamper project

This week the busy elves in our social impact and customer engagement team, otherwise known as Amy and Georgina, wrapped up their customer Christmas hamper project following weeks of planning, coordinating gifts from generous colleagues and partners, to make up over 60 Christmas hampers for customers in need.
Helped by colleagues from across the business, hampers were filled to the brim with enough for several meals over the Christmas period as well as chocolates and other treats to help the customers enjoy Christmas a little bit more. Gift vouchers were also gifted alongside the hampers and families with children also received a gift and selection box for each child.
As an organisation we love nothing more than to give back to our customers and communities at Christmas but we couldn’t do it without the support and generosity of our partners
Just some of the generous donations this year, for which we’d love to give a huge shout out are from
Teardrops - For donating 22 full food hampers and 49 toys
Asda Widnes - Their Community Champion for donating bags of food
Fuelmate – For donating a fantasic £100 cash
Sovini – For their generous donation of £200 Asda vouchers
LAS – For donating bags filled with food
Kirkbys roofing – For donating bags of food and toys
ACS – bags of food and toys
A special thank you also goes to customers in Barkla Fields, one of our Independent Living Schemes who donated two childrens’ bikes to the project, and of course not forgetting the ‘Barkla Buskers’, a ukelele band from the scheme who donated cash raised through their charity singing events.
We are extremely grateful for all donations, and we could not do this wonderful initiative year on year, without the amazing support from our partners, customers and colleagues so a big thank you to you all!
Our colleagues also helped to wrap and prepare the hampers and have spent the last two days, driving around the borough, delivering a whopping 32 family hampers and 28 single/couple hampers to some very deserving customers!
With rising costs we know these boxes will go so far and mean so much to many families in Halton, and we are expecting to impact around 100 lives with this project.
Thank you once again to everyone who has contributed in spreading some Christmas cheer this year.
From everyone at Halton Housing, a very Merry Christmas!