It's Great Big Green Week 2021

The Great Big Green Week will take place during 18–26th September 2021 and will encourage and celebrate action taking place across the UK to tackle climate change.
We are fully supportive of this awareness week, and are actively asking all our customers, staff and partners to get behind it too.
We are seeing the impacts of extreme weather events caused by climate change on people and places here in the UK and abroad. The time is now to do everything we can to protect our world. Climate change is the fight of our lifetime.
People from all walks of life need to step up and act on climate change. Sometimes it’s the small things that can have big impact. It’s easy for us all to think our small part can’t affect the big picture, but the great news is that it can!
All this week during the Great Big Green Week, we will be sharing daily hints and tips on themes like reducing carbon footprint, food, travel, waste, home energy, biodiversity and more, to raise awareness of the climate emergency and to help and encourage all our customers, colleagues and partners to do their bit to address the challenge.
Visit our dedicated Halton Housing Great Big Green Week webpage to find out more about what you can do to get involved.
Georgina Patel, Halton Housing’s Decarbonisation Strategic Lead says, “Every one of us has an immediate role to play in trying to reverse the damage to the planet. The task often seems overwhelming, and many of us may feel helpless in what we can do, but small efforts made by lots of people can start creating the change we want to see.”
As a large housing provider, we are responsible for the impact our homes have on the environment. Whether that’s building new homes or maintaining the ones we already have, we are working hard to make sure that they are as energy efficient as they can be, and we are supporting the government’s target to decarbonise our homes to achieve net zero carbon by 2050.
We’re committed to doing our bit. Will you support us in doing yours?
For more information about our sustainability work, visit our sustainability page.