Halton Housing shortlisted for “Most innovative housing provider” award

We are delighted to announce we have been shortlisted for another innovation award!
Yesterday evening, Housing Digital released the news that we have been shortlisted for the “Most innovative housing provider” award, at their Innovation Awards 2022.
The Innovation Awards aim to celebrate the most innovative products, services and technology that are reshaping UK housing. Whether it’s in the area of decarbonisation, digital engagement, building safety, new methods of construction – the awards will celebrate the individuals and organisations who keep the housing sector facing firmly toward the future.
Our submission showcased the many exciting innovation projects we currently have underway at Halton Housing.
As an organisation, we pride ourselves on innovation. We are forward-thinking and continuously punch above our weight when it comes to a reputation for being at the forefront of digital and innovation in the social housing sector.
One such example of a trailblazing innovation project we’re working on, is with ‘Spotr.ai’ - implementing technology to improve efficiencies and move to a more pre-emptive and planned repairs service. This project uses innovative computer vision techniques to deliver external stock condition surveys. Images from various public sources, such as Google Street View are assessed alongside images from private sources such as Cyclomedia and our own images database.
This is just one of the emerging technologies we are currently implementing. You can read more about our innovation work at www.haltonhousing.co.uk/about-us/innovation.
For a full list of shortlisted organisations for the Innovation Awards, visit https://housingdigital.co.uk/2022-shortlist/.
The winners will be announced at the Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Birmingham on Thursday 10th February 2022.
…In the meantime, we’re keeping our fingers crossed!