Halton Housing colleagues shortlisted in Halton Business Awards

We're delighted to share the fantastic news that we have been shortlisted, not once, twice, but three times in the 2024 Halton Business Awards.
Firstly, our congratulations go to colleagues Michael and Ash who have both been shortlisted in the young person of the year category which recognises rising stars aged 16-25 who have made an exceptional contribution to their workplace.
Michael joined Halton Housing as IT apprentice in August last year, whilst Ash joined in 2021 as Environmental Services Operative.
Commenting on Michael's positive attitude, his Manager said: "I have seen a great deal of growth, maturity, confidence, and professionalism in Michael in the short time he has been with us. I have received a multitude of compliments about him from all levels in our organisation"
Ash also attracted some excellent comments from his peers in his award submission: "Ash has received excellent feedback from senior colleagues across the business highlighting his attention to detail, technical ability, and character"
Thanks to the continued efforts of our social impact and engagement team with initiatives such as Spruce up Your Streets, Keep Warm Keep Well, and the Christmas Hampers we have also been shortlisted in the 'Commitment to the Community' category. This particular award aims to recognise companies in Halton that are trying to make a difference, bring prosperity to the area and do good in the community so we are delighted to have made the shortlist.
We are also sponsoring the ‘Family Business of the Year’ award where 10 local business will be competing to take home the ‘small family business of the year award’ and ‘large family business of the year award.
The Halton Business Awards, organised by Halton Chamber of Commerce, have been an annual event since 2008 celebrating the best business in the borough.
The Halton Business Awards will see local businesses competing across 17 different categories at an awards ceremony at the DCBL stadium on Friday 7th June.
Our rising stars Michael and Ash will be attending the awards night along with their colleagues – we’ll be keeping everything crossed.
Congratulations and good luck to everyone who has been shortlisted.