Halebank Community Clean Up Day

A huge thank you to the Halebank Parish Council, Halton Veterans, Halton Borough Council local authority, Halton BID and volunteers from Halebank BID Businesses (Croda Europe and Silva Timber) for inviting us to join forces with them for the big Community Clean Up Day in Halebank.
The day was a huge success in not only cleaning up the area but also bringing the local community together.
Throughout the day, colleagues, partners and volunteers got stuck into litter picking across Halebank, filling bags and bags with rubbish along the way, meaning many previously litter-filled areas are now looking much more appealing and generally a much nicer environment to live in.
Working in partnership with local organisations on initiatives like this, allows us to support our community further and help us to create places people can be proud of by pooling much needed time, skills, and resources.
But of course, we couldn’t do it without the support of volunteers either!
Leanne Devlin, our Neighbourhood Officer for Halebank said: “I really enjoyed my time at the clean up day, it was fantastic to see so many people wanting to get involved. The result of the litter pick is another great example of what can be achieved when so many people come together to get things done. It really is an impressive result”.
In addition to taking part in local initiatives like this Community Clean Up Day, we also hold a number of our own events which can be found on our events page. Spruce Up Your Streets is our new initiative to provide cleaner, greener spaces for our customers. Find out more about Spruce Up Your Streets here.