Final Grange Litter pick as part of Destination Grange

Over the past 5 months, Halton Housing in partnership with Litter Networks and local volunteers have attended 5 sessions in the Grange Area to litter pick and make the area cleaner and a better place to be.
In total, 83 bags of litter have been collected during this initiative! Although the group will not be continuing to have formal sessions, the local volunteers will be continuing to attend in their own time to collect some litter alongside Halton Housing Grounds Team who attend weekly to litter pick the area.
More information about the group can be found on our Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/grangelitter/. If you wish to get involved or have more information you can email involved@haltonhousing.co.uk. If anyone wishes to be a Litter Champion for the area, a litter-picking kit can be provided for free.