Every day is a school day

Learning at Work Week 2022 kicked off today with this year’s theme ‘Learning Uncovered’.
Learning at Work Week is a unique annual event to build learning cultures at work. It aims to shine a spotlight on the importance and benefits of continual learning and development.
Here at Halton Housing, we’re proud to promote a culture of continuous learning. From new starters to those who have been with us for months or years, all colleagues have the opportunity to develop or learn new skills.
Often, when we think of learning and development, we think of professional training courses and qualifications but there are so many other ways to learn.
Learning opportunities are in more places than many people realise – it could be job shadowing, mentoring, watching a 10-minute e-learning video, self-study, watching a Youtube tutorial, reading a book, listening to a podcast, speaking with other people, or networking.
Learning in all its forms has the power to not only develop new skills but boost our confidence too. So, to celebrate Learning at Work Week this year, and help our colleagues think differently about learning, our Organisational Development team have planned a week packed with activities for all colleagues to get involved in.
The activities will bring together colleagues from across the organisation to share their knowledge, passion and interests with their peers.
From the 16th – 20th May colleagues will be able to join in everything from PowerPoint and presentation skills sessions, to tiling, painting and decorating masterclasses.
Our environmental services team will also be sharing their hints and tips on getting the most out of our outdoor spaces during a number of planting and gardening classes.
With learning having the power to help us feel more motivated and even make us happier, why not try something new yourself? Or think about the skills you have. Someone, somewhere, could benefit from those skills. We all have the potential to be lifelong learners.
#HHCulture #LAWW