Changes to benefits for mixed-aged couples – are you impacted?

We would like to make customers aware of changes to benefits which affect mixed-aged couples.
State pension age is the age when a person can start to get the state pension, should they wish to claim it rather than defer the payment. Following a change in the rules, some state pension age households will now need to claim Universal Credit instead of Pension Credit.
From May 2019 the way the benefit system treated mixed-age couples changed impacting couples in which one party had reached their pension age and the other had not.
The change made the benefit system less generous than previous, and we worked to contact many of our customers who were likely to be impacted by this change and offered help through the benefit changes which would impact them.
This was a useful exercise with many customers getting the help and support they needed to claim the right level of benefits to support their household.
Now, 12 months later and a whole new group of customers could find themselves impacted by this change so we wanted to explain what changed and what you can do to ensure you are getting the right level of benefits you are entitled to.
The changes mean that benefits awarded to a couple changed from those previously awarded based on the age of eldest member to that awarded to the younger, working age member meaning rather than a claim to Pension Credit some couples now remain on Universal Credit or JSA even after one reached their pensionable age and receives a State Pension.
Get in touch…
Visit our dedicated Money Advice page. Our dedicated Welfare Benefit and Money Advice Team are here to support you and provide specialist advice on claiming benefits, maximising income, managing debt and money advice. You can contact the team on 0151 510 5024, email welfare@haltonhousing.co.uk, via our app or MyHaltonHome.
• You can check when you will reach your State Pension Age online for free at www.gov.uk/state-pension-age, or to check what your likely State Pension will be here at www.gov.uk/check-state-pension
“Through our annual tenancy visits our Neighbourhood Team were able to pick up the case of a customer who was making regular rent payments but was struggling and cutting back on other living costs to make ends meet. Our Welfare Team were able to identify unclaimed benefits and ensured disability premiums were included into a Universal Credit award. We were able to claim a backdate of Severe Disability Premium of £2,800 and monthly increases to benefits awarded meaning the couple did not have to struggle anymore.”
Amber, Senior Welfare Benefit & Money Advisor
Did you know…
• Receiving a State Pension could also qualify you for free bus travel or a Senior Rail Card
• State Pension entitlement could also qualify you for a Winter Fuel Payment
• Receive PIP / AA and over pension age? You could get extra money awarded!
• Check your benefit entitlement after changes in your circumstances as you could get awarded other benefits, check it out online at www.entitledto.co.uk.