Buzzing with Excitement: Margaret Court 'Spruce Up Your Streets' event

What a fantastic morning we had at the Margaret Court Spruce Up Your Streets event.
Today, we were joined by students from St Gerard's to 'Spruce Up' Margaret Court. The Environmental Services team had been out to pre-dig the beds for planting, so this morning we walked the schoolchildren across to the site and helped them to prepare 'Bee Bombs' full of wildflower seed, to be planted within the beds. We then played a game one of the children affectionately named 'Bee Bomb Bash'.
The children took turns throwing the Bee Bombs at targets staked within the beds, helping to evenly distribute the seeds while having lots of fun. We then returned to the school, and while the Environmental Services Team finished planting, the children distributed the remaining Bee Bombs in their school garden.
The children also planted vegetable seeds that will be grown at the school. Each child took home a bag with Bee Bombs for planting in their garden or local area, plus a certificate and some sweets to thank them for participating.
While this was happening, some team members were committed to a litter pick, improving the overall appearance of the area.
A big thank you to the class for your hard work today.