Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness week 2024

We’re supporting the fourth national Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Awareness week, an initiative spearheaded by Resolve ASB.
Taking place from 18 – 24 November, this nationwide campaign aims to raise awareness about anti-social behaviour (ASB) and showcase effective ways to tackle it in our communities.
The theme for the 2024 campaign is '#MakingCommunitiesSafer'.
Did you know? Contrary to popular belief, a significant portion of ASB is caused by adults, not young people. In fact, young people can often gather in larger groups and use hoods or face coverings to feel secure, not to cause trouble (Resolve. 2023).
During the week, we’ll be sharing some stories that highlight the ongoing work of our Neighbourhoods team to tackle ASB in our communities.
Find out more on our dedicated ASB Awareness week website page.
Join us in raising awareness and supporting a safer, more inclusive environment for everyone!