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A Halton Housing officer and police offer walk down a street

Anti-social behaviour

Our approach to dealing with anti-social behaviour (ASB)


Our approach is to deal with ASB professionally, protect our communities, prevent anti‐social behaviour and promote a safe living environment. We expect you to behave with respect to others and in a manner, which does not interfere with the comfort or well‐being of other customers, individuals or groups in our neighbourhoods.

If left unchallenged, anti‐social behaviour can have a negative effect on the quality of life of individuals and groups within our neighbourhoods and communities.

For that reason, we tackle anti‐social behaviour using a range of tools including prevention, support and enforcement.  


ASB Information Booklet

Find your Neighbourhood Safety Officer

Our 3 Neighbourhood Safety Officers work with customers to take positive action to address anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the borough and improve the overall quality of life for all residents.